Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

The Gift

Author/Illustrator: Michael Speechley

Publisher: Penguin

Suitable: Year 2 to Year 5

When the house across the road from Rosie looks abandoned, she decides to give her mysterious neighbour a gift. But this gift is unusual, different and something unexpected. It would be something her mother would be proud of. Championing acts of kindness is at the heart of Michael Speehley's picture book and should be within all our hearts. 

Links to the Western Australian Curriculum:

English: Language: Language for interaction. Literacy strand: Texts in context, Interacting with others and Interpreting, analysing and evaluating. Literature strand: Literature in context, Responding to Literature and Examining Literature. Health and

Physical Education: Health strand: Personal, social and community health, Communicating and interacting for health and well-being. Contributing to healthy and active communities.

Science: Science Understanding: Biological science. Science as a Human Endeavour: Nature and development of science. 

General Capabilities; Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability and Ethical Understanding.

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