Our Persuasive Writing Workshops use high-quality Australian picture books to ignite discussion and inspire critical thinking. Guided by our expert Creative Learning Associates, students will explore a range of persuasive techniques to craft compelling arguments—tailored specifically to your class.
Drawing from over three decades of work with Australian children’s and young adult authors, as well as the storytelling and artwork of picture books exhibited at the Centre, our Creative Learning Associates deliver engaging, practical workshops designed to build confidence and persuasive writing skills.
Students will engage through the lens of the WA English curriculum. Students will engage imaginatively and critically with literature and appreciate its aesthetic qualities. Through the study of a wide range of texts students will develop an understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Close attention to the NAPLAN marking guide will inform the work covered through student analysis and activities.
The workshop will contribute to the goals of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration, in particular that All young Australians become confident and creative individuals, successful lifelong learners, and active and informed members of the community.
Links to the Western Australian Curriculum:
Language Strand: Language for interacting with others. Language for expressing and developing ideas.
Literature Strand: Literature and contexts.
Literacy Strand: Interacting with others. Creating texts.
Booking Inquiry